ACC-115 |
Introduction to Accounting
4 credits |
$900.00 |
This course presents the fundamental concepts, procedures, and applications of the accounting cycle for service and merchandising businesses. The proprietorship form of ownership is studied. Topics include the special journals, payroll accounting, and accounting for cash.
Lecture Hours: 64
ACC-116 |
Introduction to Accounting II
4 credits |
$900.00 |
This course is a continuation of Introduction to Accounting (ACC-115) emphasizing the principles of accrual accounting. Emphasis is placed on accounting for corporations and a manufacturing business. Topics include accounting for receivables, inventory, and long-term assets.
Lecture Hours: 64
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C- in ACC-115 or ACC-152.
BUS-102 |
Introduction to Business
3 credits |
$675.00 |
An introductory survey course which provides an overview of the major functions in business with relation to current social, economic, global, and environmental concerns.
Lecture Hours: 48
BUS-180 |
Business Ethics
3 credits |
$675.00 |
This course is an introduction to ethical decision making in business. There is an examination of individual, organizational, and macrolevel issues in business ethics. This course does not determine correct ethical action; it is designed to assist the potential businessperson to make more informed ethical decisions on a daily basis. Dilemmas, real life situations and cases provide an opportunity for you to use concepts in the assignments and to resolve ethical issues. Since there is no universal agreement on the correct ethical business norms, critical thinking and informed decision making are emphasized.
Lecture Hours: 48
BUS-183 |
Business Law
3 credits |
$675.00 |
An introduction to the principles of law as they relate to business. This course includes an overview of our court system, sources of law, ethics and social responsibility, contracts, warranties, real property, landlord and tenant, negotiable instruments, and agency. Emphasis is placed on exploring the law as it affects businesses and individuals.
Lecture Hours: 48
BUS-210 |
Business Statistics
3 credits |
$675.00 |
Application and interpretation of probability and statistics as they relate to business problems; design of experiment, descriptive statistics, sampling, estimation, correlation, linear regression, hypothesis testing, and analysis of variances.
Lecture Hours: 48
Prerequisite(s): MAT-156 or equivalent or appropriate placement score.
ECN-120 |
Principles of Macroeconomics
3 credits |
$675.00 |
Principles of supply and demand and the price mechanism will be presented. Descriptions and interactions of the consumer, business, government, and international sectors will be studied as well as their effects on output, employment, and growth in the economy. The course includes a study of the banking system and monetary policy, fiscal policy, economic growth, differing macroeconomic viewpoints, and international issues.
Lecture Hours: 48
ECN-130 |
Principles of Microeconomics
3 credits |
$675.00 |
Principles of supply and demand, elasticity, and pricing will be studied. The course includes such topics as resource allocation of firms, pricing and output decisions in different market structures, and consumer choice theory. International issues and the world economy will be integrated into the course.
Lecture Hours: 48
FIN-121 |
Personal Finance
3 credits |
$675.00 |
This course enables students to achieve high standards and competencies in economic principles in contexts of high relevancy and applicability to their individual, family, professional, and community lives. A project-based approach that utilizes higher order thinking, communication, leadership, and management processes will integrate course topics. Upon completion, students should be able to better understand scarcity, supply and demand, market structures, the role of government, money and the role of financial institutions, economic stabilization and cycles, investing and financial markets, and consumer credit.
Lecture Hours: 48
MGT-101 |
Principles of Management
3 credits |
$675.00 |
A study of current theory and practice of leading a complex business organization toward the accomplishment of organizational objectives.
Lecture Hours: 48
MGT-110 |
Small Business Management
3 credits |
$675.00 |
A study of current theory and practices in creating and running a small business. The course includes the study of management functions as well as a discussion of business startup, including the creation of a business plan.
Lecture Hours: 48